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Practical Tips and Wisdom from Our Digg Community: Part 2

A woman standing on a golf course with a lake and island in the background with one arm in the air while the other arm is holding a golf club
Photo taken at Lough Erne Resort while showcasing their grounds during the recording of the Digg Podcast

When I asked my community online, "What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?", the response was insane. So much so that this is the 'Part 2'!

In 'Part 1,' we shared advice on mindset, personal growth, and relationships. This second collection includes practical tips on parenting, family life, self-care, and good old general life lessons. Let’s keep the inspirational wisdom going and see if any of these have been shared with you in the past.

Parenting and Family

  1. When your kids are small is the best time. Slow down and soak it up.

  2. Be curious, not judgemental.

  3. If you need to drop your standards for your mental health, do it. A happier mum is a better mum.

  4. Spend every minute you can with your children as they grow up so fast.

  5. When your children argue, stay calm and let them sort it out. They’ll be friends again in five minutes.

  6. Keep a spare set of clothes for yourself in the boot when your kids are little.

  7. When you have children, lower your standards and keep lowering them. The house will still be standing.

  8. A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

  9. Nobody knows your child better than you - trust your instincts.

  10. Never put temptation in temptation’s way.

  11. Always remember who is there for you during bad times but is also there to cheer you on in good times.

  12. Don't stress it with kids, just flow.

  13. Keep yourself right otherwise the house and family fall to shite.

  14. Don't put it down, put it away.

  15. My husband, after our son's Autism diagnosis - 'He is the same boy he was before the label. We keep loving.'

Parenting is tough but so rewarding—these tips remind us it’s okay to be imperfect and to savour the moments.

Number 3 is a great piece of advice. I often remind myself of it. Especially when it comes to housework. More often than not my wash basket is overflowing and my ironing bundle is out of control but I keep reminding myself, those things are not a priority. The happiness of my children and my own mental health comes first so I am at peace with things not always being perfect.

Self-Care and Practical Wisdom

  1. If you can't let it go, let it be.

  2. Make a decision not to make a decision.

  3. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

  4. Take it one day at a time.

  5. It is just as important to look after your mind as it is your body.

  6. Turn all worries into prayer and carry your cross every day.

  7. Don’t stress what you can’t change.

  8. Always rinse or soak the bowl with Weetabix in - never leave it sitting!

  9. Empty the lunchboxes when they come home.

  10. Poo when you need to! Advice from a pelvic health physio.

  11. Today’s news is tomorrow’s chip wrapping - move on from it!

  12. Control the controllable.

  13. Don’t look back on something unless you can learn from it.

  14. Mel Robbins, ‘Let Them’ theory.

  15. You will get to where you are meant to be.

  16. Enjoy life when it is going good, even on the mundane days, for it won't last.

  17. When you are feeling bad, dress up.

  18. Take the pan off the heat when frying an egg.

Life is full of practical challenges, but small actions can make a big difference. These tips remind us to simplify, focus on what matters, and take care of ourselves.

Some of these really made me laugh. Especially the lunch box one. I had a situation with a mouldy lunch box after the Christmas holidays that I am still traumatised from.

I like Number 1 the most - "If you can't let it go, let it be." There is so much in that but just by reading those words, I know exactly what situation I need to apply it to in my own life. I just have to say it to myself on repeat.

General Life Lessons

  1. Never give up on something when you're having a bad day. Do it on a good day.

  2. Knowledge is power so be careful what knowledge you give away.

  3. Live and let live.

  4. What's happened has happened. You can't change the situation.

  5. Ordinary is great; being healthy to enjoy an ordinary day is fabulous.

  6. Let it go...

  7. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

  8. Less is more.

  9. Half the lies you hear are not true at all.

  10. Words are like feathers in the wind - once they are out, you can never get them back.

  11. Don’t burn bridges.

  12. Least said, soonest mended.

  13. If you can't fix it stop worrying about it.

  14. It’s nice to be important but more important to be nice.

  15. This too shall pass. Applies to many situations... interviews, labour, enjoying time with family etc.

  16. Regret the things you’ve done in life, not the things you didn’t do.

  17. Just turn up - be there when you said you would, be there for others and turn up for yourself.

  18. When travelling away - Don't eat anywhere that there isn't a queue. Queues mean good food.

  19. Worrying won't prevent what is going to happen... leave it in God's hands.

These timeless lessons remind us to live authentically, appreciate the ordinary, and keep moving forward.

I love all of these but there is a stand out one and if you have been following me on social media for a while you will know which one it is. Number 4. "What's happened has happened. You can't change the situation." I apply this to big things and small things in my life. From dropping a pot of jam before I head out the door in the morning on the school run to forgetting a meeting with an important client. It has happened and it doesn't matter how I react, it won't change it. So stop huffing and puffing and shouting and crying and calmly figure out how to fix it. This is my go to advice every day.

Thank you to each and every person that shared their advice with me. Some made me laugh, some made me emotional but all of them gave me hope and encouragement for life. The Digg Community really is very special.

Which advice will you carry with you into your day? Let’s keep the conversation going. Share your thoughts with me on socials. Together, we’ll continue to learn, grow, and support one another.

Caroline AKA Digg Mama


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